And the reports of Haddred appearing to kill ARKS Operatives was revealed to be because he was able to sense the amount of F-Factors within the Operatives on the field.Haddred being experimented upon into becoming what he is known as was revealed to be the result of him personally stepping in to take Quna's place as she was intended to be the subject, not him. Haddred and Quna's relationship was expanded upon in Episodes Oracle, and it doesn't make it any less heartwarming (and also tearjerking) at how much the two had cared for each other.The way Haddred was ready to lay down his life for Quna upon discovering what awaits her at the end of her objective, and how he was eventually ended by Quna, who believed it to be her duty as his older sister and #0 of the Council of Six to give him a rest he deserved.The latter is quick to become fond of the former and helps them out in several situations, culminating in Zeno eventually sacrificing himself to try and buy time for the Protagonist, Echo, and Melfonseana/Melrandia to escape from Naverius during Dark Falz Elder's awakening. The friendship struck up between the Protagonist and Zeno in general.
As a Moments subpage there are unmarked spoilers ahead! Read at your own risk! Episode 1